Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing the real cost in 2021

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing the real cost in 2021 

Any business owner can tell you how important the role marketing strategies play in their business plan, I am here to show you Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing the real cost in 2021. There are so many verticals of marketing today, being digital with Social Media, Text Message, SEO, or from the traditional side from TV, radio, or newspapers. In this article, I will point out the true cost of digital marketing vs traditional marketing in 2021.

If you take a look at the marketing trends over the past 50 years, you will be able to see a similarity. They all revolve around Audio, Written word, and visual. From the traditional side, it is Radio, Newspaper, and TV ads. From a Digital side, it is Podcasts, Blogs, and social media verticals.

When you are trying to create a marketing plan, you need to choose the most cost-effective and “bang for your buck” options, especially if you are a small business owner.

If we take a look at the costs of each of these platforms I can see a very scary trend. I HATE IT.

Back when the radio first became a popular marketing vertical advertising was VERY cheap, as was television, and newspaper ads. After years of people seeing the benefit of these ads, the market became saturation the ads became more and more expensive. I can see this same trend with Social Media Ads, and it is terrifying. Since 2018, the price of Facebook ads has increased by 4x to reach 1,000 people! This will continue to happen until the market is so saturated the average joe business owner will NOT be able to afford a Facebook ad. The good this is that digital marketing is WAY cheaper and more effective than Traditional Methods. Learn a little more why, here.

Now, let’s take a look at Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing the real cost in 2021.

CPM is the main metric we look at when speaking about the cost of marketing. CPM is an advertising term that measures how many advertising dollars you must spend to reach 1,000 people. One of the main goals of any campaign should be to reach as many relevant people as possible at the lowest CPM as possible. Here is a breakdown of each vertical.

Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing the real cost in 2021

Yes, there are other influences you need to account for if you want a true rundown however, CPM is the main measure you should think about.

If you want to learn more about digital marketing, visit our blog here.

To take a look at what it actually costs for a professional agency to run your digital marketing advertising, contact us today!

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